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MacWorld Mini-Report (0 Comments) (link)
 Thursday, 18-July-2002  14:48:34 (GMT +10) - by Agg

Barto thought we might like a little MacWorld roundup:

Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple) was kicking MS in the balls this keynote. He said things like "We came up with iTools, MS copied us and called it .net. But we know what .net means, so we're renaming iTools .mac". Also stuff about how Apple is gonna shoot up in market share, and how everyone will adopt MPEG4 "except for MS of course".

"Move2Mac" was announced which makes transferring all of your old PC files to your shiny new Mac easy (and over USB).

iPod now works with MusicMatch (so windows users can officially use iPods now), has a 20GB hard disk, a trackpad/scrollwheel, calender and clock. OCAU's iPod review is here.

Mac OS X Jaguar was announced, and the box and the CD have Jaguar-spots on them :-/

Jaguar has OpenGL acceleration of the GUI, an AIM client, syncs a contacts list and calender (iCal) to your .mac internet/mobile phone/PDA/other macs. It has ZeroConf (which Apple is calling Rendevous), which makes your computer automagically aware of all services on a LAN. ZeroConf was demoed swapping MP3s (RIAA must be having fits), having all the printers on a network automatically show up, and building up a list of all "iChat", an AIM client", users on a LAN so you can chat to them.

The iMac is now up to 1GHz G4, has a GeForce 4 MX and the top-model has a 17" 1440x900 flat-panel display. That model is $4395 australian and has an 80GB hard drive.

iTunes 3 has custom "automatic" playlists, like 1GB of random MP3s which "I have given a rating of over 5 stars" or 500MB of MP3s in this genre which "I have played the least" etc etc.

So there you go. :)

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